Having the Time of My Life
"Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed." -Storm Jameson
My beautiful and wonderful family!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Embracing change and moving forward...
This week has brought some thoughts that I just need to get out there. I opened up my Google calendar the other day and was reminded of an event that was supposed to be happening this coming Saturday, March 14, 2015. The event read "Brittney's Wedding." Nope, not a different Brittney in my life, but yes, me. It was supposed to be MY wedding day. This last year I dated a guy for about 6 months. Our relationship progressed very quickly and we decided that we were going to get married. He asked my dad for his permission to marry me, the works. We decided to get married over his Spring Break and begin a beautiful life together, which of course we had planned out in great detail (cuz that's what you do when you're in love and you want to spend the rest of eternity with someone, right?).
Things didn't pan out that way. It seemed like everything I thought was going to happen started crumbling right before my eyes. I started questioning a lot of things that were happening and if this relationship was really what I wanted. But I had made a commitment and nothing was going to keep me from trying everything in my power to make it work. As I look back on everything now I am amazed at how much we are willing to put up with sometimes, and how much hurt we go through because we love someone so much. Being able to be patient, understanding, and supportive through trying times is a blessing in relationships and should most definitely be a best practice, but there also has to be a line.
Now, there are a lot of things that I believe contributed to this relationship falling apart, but what I want to focus on are the blessings I have received because of this experience. Ending this relationship was quite possibly one of the most trying emotional experiences of my life. I mean, I had planned on being with him forever. This was supposed to be my happy ending. My "and they lived happily ever after." BUT, the Lord has truly opened my eyes and helped me to see His guiding hand in my life. He has been there the whole time.
This relationship helped me in many ways:
1. I learned that I could be loved despite any physical flaw I see in myself.
2. I learned that someone could truly think I was beautiful.
3. I learned that it's ok for me to have a hard day and that the person I love won't run away from my "crazy."
4. I learned that it's ok to have realistic expectations.
5. I learned that it's ok to voice my opinion even if it might cause a disagreement, because working things out is what you're supposed to do.
6. I learned that my voice matters.
7. I learned that I need someone in my life who wants to have an adventure in life together.
8. I learned that I want someone in my life who is going to be a cheerleader and support in all that I do.
9. I learned that I don't have to always make excuses for people, they have to own their mistakes.
10. I learned that words are very powerful and that you should never say something you don't mean or that you intend to do nothing about.
11. I learned that actions speak louder than words.
12. I learned that my family knows me very well and I should listen even when it's hard.
13. I learned that I love surprises.
14. I learned that I am very content with simple pleasures and quality time.
15. I learned that a kiss can say a thousand words.
16. I learned that a hug, even during a disagreement, can bring peace and calm to a situation.
17. I learned that I appreciate a man who puts God first and tries his hardest to fulfill his callings.
18. I learned that I appreciate gentility.
19. I learned that I love being with someone who is sociable and good at making conversation.
20. I learned that I want someone who is willing to be there for others and goes out of their way to serve.
21. I learned that it's ok to hurt. It means that your feelings are real and true.
22. I learned that God has a plan for me.
23. I learned that my patriarchal blessing is a guide by which I need to live my life.
24. I learned that I can do hard things.
25. I learned that I am ok. I am not perfect, but I have worth, and I need to start living life accordingly.
Kinda personal, I know, but there it is...raw, and out there for the world to see. I am SO incredibly grateful for this experience in my life. It's amazing the lessons we learn. The Lord knows what He's doing, and I'll tell you something even more fascinating...He has changed me. I have felt His spirit guiding me to become someone who I never thought I could be. I have plans, I'm following through on them. I know what I want in my future and I know what I need to do to get there. Life is good. Life is exciting. Life is a blessing and I am going to continue to live it, BETTER than I ever have before.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I would like to say that I am a perseverant person, but in reality I think that the "am not" list is longer than the "am" list. Granted, there have been things that have happened in my life that have been extremely hard to get through and I've gotten through them. But I have stated to notice a pattern in my life that I am determined to change: The effort I put into something is solely based on how long it is going to take me to do it, and how much effort it is going to take to make it happen. This observation about myself is so ridiculous! I limit myself so much because of that. Now this observation makes me sound like I'm lazy and that's not completely true, but I have gotten used to things coming easily to me, not really having to work super hard for what I want. I need to change! I need to be more self-disciplined and set higher goals for myself. I read a quote today on perseverance that kinda hit home for me and it says:
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." ~Earl Nightingale
This quote is so true! I am going to take it to heart and make the most of the time I've got. I want to persevere!
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." ~Earl Nightingale
This quote is so true! I am going to take it to heart and make the most of the time I've got. I want to persevere!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Miss. Canary!!!
HAHA! Oh my goodness! Today there was a boy in the class who forgot my name and he accidentally called me Miss Canary! It pretty much made my day! This student is a riot, always performing and acting silly in front of the class. Everyone loves him and to be honest he reminds me a lot of my brother Josh. Just a huge ball of fun and goofiness! He actually apologized to me later in the day because he felt so bad about forgetting my name. I told him that I loved my new name and that made him pretty happy, so now I think that at least to one little boy in the world, I will be known as Miss Canary. :)
Being Grateful
I have an internship at an elementary school in a third grade classroom. I LOVE it! It is so rewarding to go into that classroom every week and see students progress and learn valuable concepts and tools that will help them throughout the rest of their lives. It has been interesting as I have observed these students to see their different personalities, what makes them who they are. Of all the experience I've had in a classroom thus far I think I've learned the most this semester. I have had to deal with and figure out issues that I never even knew could exist, and rack my brain to find ways to help these kids succeed. My mentor teacher is definitely there for the kids and she has taught me so much about doing right by them and making sure they have all the tools they need to succeed in their education.
There are a few boys in this class that like to hang out with me and talk. Some of them like to tell me about all the "cool" things they do, the latest and greatest adventure they've had, the fun things they did over the weekend, but there is one boy who comes and talks to me and he sincerely asks me how I'm doing. He asks me if I'm enjoying my day, what I like to do. It is so cute and sweet. This particular little boy has a really hard time with math and reading. He has some of the lowest scores in the class, but he really does try. I would have never guessed that he would be one of the struggling kids in the class because he acts so much older than his age and he has a huge vocabulary like no third grader I've ever met. Today my mentor teacher told me that this little boy had finally been placed in a special ed math class to help him out. He goes for 30 minutes every day. After he got back from his math class he came to the back of the room where I was sitting and asked me how my day was going. I told him it was going great, that I was having a lot of fun. He smiled and said he was glad. Then he put his hands on the table in front of me, he looked up at me and I could tell he wanted to tell me something, it was almost bursting out of his little body. He said, "I am so glad that I am getting help with my math! The teachers in my new math class are really good at helping me understand the problems and I am getting so much better! I told them that they were doing a good job." He was absolutely beaming with pride and I told him I was so proud of him and his choice to work hard even though math was a little difficult for him. He said, "Thank you," and went back to his seat to finish off the assignment they were doing. I was about speechless and so touched by his perspective. Later, I was going through a comprehension test with all the students and talking to them about the questions they had missed and why. We are trying to prepare them all for the AIMS test next month so we want to make sure they are understanding key concepts they'll be tested on. This student was one of the kids I needed to talk to and he had gotten a lot of them wrong. I pulled him back to go through the test with him and as I was explaining it I could see a light bulb go off in his head. He started answering questions before I even finished asking them. It was kinda cool! After we finished going through the test I asked him to grab another student for me. He started to walk away but then turned back around, came over to me and said, "Thank you so much for helping me understand that better." WOW! No one does that! Especially not a third grader! Most kids don't really like being "different" and being pulled out of class to get "help" but he was just so grateful that he was getting better and that he was starting to "get it." It just made my heart happy to see him so proud of himself and his accomplishments.
That story encompasses the main reason I want to teach. I want kids to be able to reach their fullest potential. I want them to feel satisfied and happy with the things they are accomplishing. There is no reason why any child should not have the opportunity to feel good about themselves and feel like they have someone backing them up and helping them succeed. That's what being a teacher is all about! I love the feeling I get every time I go into that classroom. It's fantastic!
There are a few boys in this class that like to hang out with me and talk. Some of them like to tell me about all the "cool" things they do, the latest and greatest adventure they've had, the fun things they did over the weekend, but there is one boy who comes and talks to me and he sincerely asks me how I'm doing. He asks me if I'm enjoying my day, what I like to do. It is so cute and sweet. This particular little boy has a really hard time with math and reading. He has some of the lowest scores in the class, but he really does try. I would have never guessed that he would be one of the struggling kids in the class because he acts so much older than his age and he has a huge vocabulary like no third grader I've ever met. Today my mentor teacher told me that this little boy had finally been placed in a special ed math class to help him out. He goes for 30 minutes every day. After he got back from his math class he came to the back of the room where I was sitting and asked me how my day was going. I told him it was going great, that I was having a lot of fun. He smiled and said he was glad. Then he put his hands on the table in front of me, he looked up at me and I could tell he wanted to tell me something, it was almost bursting out of his little body. He said, "I am so glad that I am getting help with my math! The teachers in my new math class are really good at helping me understand the problems and I am getting so much better! I told them that they were doing a good job." He was absolutely beaming with pride and I told him I was so proud of him and his choice to work hard even though math was a little difficult for him. He said, "Thank you," and went back to his seat to finish off the assignment they were doing. I was about speechless and so touched by his perspective. Later, I was going through a comprehension test with all the students and talking to them about the questions they had missed and why. We are trying to prepare them all for the AIMS test next month so we want to make sure they are understanding key concepts they'll be tested on. This student was one of the kids I needed to talk to and he had gotten a lot of them wrong. I pulled him back to go through the test with him and as I was explaining it I could see a light bulb go off in his head. He started answering questions before I even finished asking them. It was kinda cool! After we finished going through the test I asked him to grab another student for me. He started to walk away but then turned back around, came over to me and said, "Thank you so much for helping me understand that better." WOW! No one does that! Especially not a third grader! Most kids don't really like being "different" and being pulled out of class to get "help" but he was just so grateful that he was getting better and that he was starting to "get it." It just made my heart happy to see him so proud of himself and his accomplishments.
That story encompasses the main reason I want to teach. I want kids to be able to reach their fullest potential. I want them to feel satisfied and happy with the things they are accomplishing. There is no reason why any child should not have the opportunity to feel good about themselves and feel like they have someone backing them up and helping them succeed. That's what being a teacher is all about! I love the feeling I get every time I go into that classroom. It's fantastic!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Commitment to being better...
So as you may have well noticed, I have not posted on my blog for almost a year and a half! That is just plain pathetic! So as of now I am going to be better! It seems that recently I have had this incessant desire to write and to just put my feelings down instead of keeping them all locked up inside the scary empty space inside my head sometimes called a brain (though I doubt sometimes if I've got one). :) So even in the midst of my crazy and often cram packed schedule, I need to make time to do this!
Monday, November 9, 2009
This last weekend my family and I went to Greer. And of course it was SO much fun! We went there for "The Capital Christmas Tree Celebration." Every year there is is a tree (among many others) that is decorated for the White House. This particular one will which will be outside the White House, was chosen from a forest right outside of Alpine while you're on your way to Big Lake. It was pretty exciting to say the least, especially for this small community. They made over 6,000 ornaments, cut enough trees for the inside of the White House (there were lots) and there were outside and inside decorations that the communities had made a sent as well. It was a HUGE task to take on but this little community rallied together and did an amazing thing! They had a special ceremony where one of the senators spoke, an elementary school sang, a high school performance choir sang, the mayor spoke, the forest service spoke, and cowboy poet got up and shared a Cowboy Christmas Poem with us. This cowboy impressed me probably the most because of something he said before he began reciting his poem. He said that he was hesitant to be apart of the festivities that day, and he wouldn't have done it at all, until he found out that the celebration was for a "Christmas" tree and not a "Holiday" tree. I appreciated that immensely! I had just been talking to my family in the car prior to getting there that I hoped it wasn't going to be called a holiday tree. I was pleasantly surprised!
The reason my family went was because my dad and Bashas' had a hand in helping with the event. Bashas' has a small store in Eager and we provided all the pies and hot cocoa for the event. We also gave a sapling pine to each family that was there. It was a really neat event! I was so glad to be a part of it!
The diesel pulling this HUGE tree

This is an 85' Blue Spruce. It was a beautiful tree!

The sibs at the ceremony! Love my brothers!

Josh, Cass, and I. These two are so fun!

Grandma and I!! I love her so much!

All of us by the Spruce

It was fun having Cass with us on this trip because she had never been to Greer before and we were able to show her a lot of our favorite places there and make some fun new memories.
All the kiddos


Preston wanted me to take some pictures of him for some new facebook profile pics. I liked em!

The reason my family went was because my dad and Bashas' had a hand in helping with the event. Bashas' has a small store in Eager and we provided all the pies and hot cocoa for the event. We also gave a sapling pine to each family that was there. It was a really neat event! I was so glad to be a part of it!
The diesel pulling this HUGE tree
This is an 85' Blue Spruce. It was a beautiful tree!
The sibs at the ceremony! Love my brothers!
Josh, Cass, and I. These two are so fun!
Grandma and I!! I love her so much!
All of us by the Spruce
It was fun having Cass with us on this trip because she had never been to Greer before and we were able to show her a lot of our favorite places there and make some fun new memories.
All the kiddos
Preston wanted me to take some pictures of him for some new facebook profile pics. I liked em!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A little tantrum...just a little one...
Alright, so I guess this may happen to every single person at some point or another but today it's happening to me. And may I add a disclaimer to this post: I don't think it attractive at all when people complain about being single, nor am I trying and get sympathy from anyone, I'm just sharing some thoughts that I am having at the moment. Alright now that that's out of the way (oh and this may be a little bit of a different side of the Brittney you know and love, but that's just because I have to get some stuff out too right?!)....
So just recently my brother started dating a really great girl! An amazing girl! I love her to pieces and have known her for a very long time. So the fact that my brother is dating this girl is not a problem, but to be completely honest it has been harder to deal with for my own emotion's sake than I thought it would be. I am so incredibly happy for the both of them to be dating, but I, especially as an older sister, am having a difficult time dealing with the whole "you're dating someone and I'm definitely-not-anywhere-close-to-dating-someone"...thing. Mind you, I'm happy! I really truly am! I'm working on things and reaching goals that are helping me become a better person, and I am truly grateful for that. So this is not the issue
I want a BEST friend. I have friends that I could give this definition to, boys and girls alike...but I haven't had the "best friend" relationship you get to experience when you date someone, in a really long time, and I need that sometimes. Just the sheer fact that you know someone will be there for you when you're excited, when you want to share something silly, and they'll laugh just because they know you so well. To talk about life, dreams, goals, to support one another, and to be the sparkle in their eyes. Those are priceless moments.
Someday it will happen. I know that. And it's ok that it's not right now. There is obviously more for me to do until then and I'm content with that. But I gotta tell ya, watching people that are close to you in relationships, when that's what you want too, is not easy! I have to say that I'm grateful for the gospel! It definitely gives you purpose and feelings of worth and fortification! We can do anything with the Lord and I'm grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation, and where I fit in with all this amazingness He has created and planned for each of us!
Life really is good! Just had to vent! Hope no one finds offense, none was meant! :) I love you all! :) Keep smilin and "dreamin the dream"! I know I will! :)
So just recently my brother started dating a really great girl! An amazing girl! I love her to pieces and have known her for a very long time. So the fact that my brother is dating this girl is not a problem, but to be completely honest it has been harder to deal with for my own emotion's sake than I thought it would be. I am so incredibly happy for the both of them to be dating, but I, especially as an older sister, am having a difficult time dealing with the whole "you're dating someone and I'm definitely-not-anywhere-close-to-dating-someone"...thing. Mind you, I'm happy! I really truly am! I'm working on things and reaching goals that are helping me become a better person, and I am truly grateful for that. So this is not the issue
I want a BEST friend. I have friends that I could give this definition to, boys and girls alike...but I haven't had the "best friend" relationship you get to experience when you date someone, in a really long time, and I need that sometimes. Just the sheer fact that you know someone will be there for you when you're excited, when you want to share something silly, and they'll laugh just because they know you so well. To talk about life, dreams, goals, to support one another, and to be the sparkle in their eyes. Those are priceless moments.
Someday it will happen. I know that. And it's ok that it's not right now. There is obviously more for me to do until then and I'm content with that. But I gotta tell ya, watching people that are close to you in relationships, when that's what you want too, is not easy! I have to say that I'm grateful for the gospel! It definitely gives you purpose and feelings of worth and fortification! We can do anything with the Lord and I'm grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation, and where I fit in with all this amazingness He has created and planned for each of us!
Life really is good! Just had to vent! Hope no one finds offense, none was meant! :) I love you all! :) Keep smilin and "dreamin the dream"! I know I will! :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
In God We Trust
I just got an e-mail that had this song attached to it. I thought this song was great! It's amazing to me that so much of what this country was founded upon is being pushed aside and as a people we are putting ourselves above God and believing that we have no need for Him in our lives. It's a sad reality in this world we are living in today.
I believe that the men who founded this country were inspired men and that they are men of God. Heavenly Father really knows what he is doing when he sends each of us down at specific periods in time. Our founding fathers were called to start this blessed country and to set a standard for the people who lived in it. We were sent here to stand up to the world and fight for the things we know are right. The things that this country was based upon. Prayer, service, a love of God, courage, and strength are things that this world is in lack of and we have the obligation to stand up for these values.
Enjoy this song! I hope it touches you as it did me.
I believe that the men who founded this country were inspired men and that they are men of God. Heavenly Father really knows what he is doing when he sends each of us down at specific periods in time. Our founding fathers were called to start this blessed country and to set a standard for the people who lived in it. We were sent here to stand up to the world and fight for the things we know are right. The things that this country was based upon. Prayer, service, a love of God, courage, and strength are things that this world is in lack of and we have the obligation to stand up for these values.
Enjoy this song! I hope it touches you as it did me.
William Joseph's Piano Fantasy
WOW! I had written this down to look at from one of my theory classes and I finally looked it up today! This is so amazing! I LOVE it! I could listen to stuff like this all day!
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