So yesterday I gave a talk in my single's ward! Scary, mostly because I don't really know many people yet, but it turned out well nonetheless. I know that most of you won't read this but I wanted to put this on here for my benefit. I actually wrote out my talk which I NEVER do. I just felt that there were some things I really needed to say that I wanted to have written. So here's my talk:
This time of year our thoughts are turned to those who have come before us. The pioneers. What a source of inspiration they have become to the members of this church! They are an example to us of faith, courage and endurance. Pres. Monson shared this thought, “Can we somehow muster the courage and that steadfastness of purpose which characterized the pioneers of a former generation? Can you and I, in actual fact, be pioneers today? A dictionary defines a pioneer as “one who goes before, showing others the way to follow.” Oh, how the world needs pioneers today!”
Today I want to share with you one way that we can become converted and become pioneers for future generations, through our hymns.
The song that reminds me most of the pioneers is “Come, Come, Ye Saints.” This hymn was written by William Clayton. In a talk by Elder David B. Haight, he explains that William was a convert to the church and traveled to Nauvoo from England to be near the prophet and the saints. Soon after Joseph Smith’s martyrdom he traveled with Brigham Young’s company to the Salt Lake Valley. After 3 long months of slow and discouraging travel, he wrote this song. “hoping it would encourage and give some renewed hope and faith to the Saints."
Read "Come, Come, Ye Saints" (pg. 30)
Can you imagine the tribulation these saints had to go through? Can you imagine walking day in and day out through treacherous weather and land? Can you imagine burying members of your family, as one buy one they leave this mortal life? Can you imagine giving up everything for the gospel of Jesus Christ?
How did they do this? How could they endure the endless abuse, struggle, and trials that came upon them as members of this church? The answer is simple…they believed. They believed in every word the prophet spoke to them, and they believed in the words they sang as they made their trek west. It gave them hope. This song has become an anthem in our church. And we can follow the truths found there in our own lives too.
Last week in Sunday School we were talking about becoming converted. Our teacher was relating a story about a time when she felt the converting power of the spirit. She talked about the song “I Am A Child of God” and how she came to realize the truthfulness of that song. We then started to joke about how from an early age we have been brainwashed with primary songs so that we definitely know that the church is true! Even though we were having some fun with that, there is definite truth in the primary songs and the hymns we sing every week.
We all go through trials. We all have questions. We all have a desire to grow closer to our Savior. How many times can you think of when a hymn has touched your heart, or brought the spirit into a room, or brought peace to your soul? Through these experiences we have grown closer to our Savior. We have become more converted.
The hymns create an atmosphere that invites the spirit, which leads us to conversion. How much different would sacrament meeting be without a sacrament hymn? What are the words in those hymns speaking to each of us? Are we internalizing the message and doctrine that ultimately will save each one of us and bring us back to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? The power of the atonement is infinite and if we allow ourselves to listen to the spirit during those hymns, our testimonies and understanding of the Atonement will increase and we will feel of the love the Savior has for each one of us. I testify of that!
I want to share something personal with you in regards to a hymn that has brought me much comfort as I have struggled through trials and hard times in my life. “Where Can I Turn For Peace” has become a hymn that I turn to, to remind me that no matter what I am going through, no matter how much I’m aching, I can turn to the Lord. I know that He is there for me. (Read lyrics if time permits)
I know that as this hymn says “He answers privately, reaches my reaching.” He is my Friend, my Savior. He succors me and brings peace to my heart. He is always there for me and he understands. He is constant and loves without end.
Last year around this time, I wrote something in regards to the pioneers that I would like to share with you.
Coming to a Realization...
Over the last few days there has been a certain focus on the pioneers and the ones who have gone before us. As I watched the commemoration that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square put on, I was filled with a different spirit than I have ever felt before. I had a sense of reality settle upon me as I contemplated the sacrifice, faith, drive, and complete obedience to will of the Lord that these early saints had. What an incredible legacy we, as the restored church of Jesus Christ, have. I really had to stop and think about what I would be willing to sacrifice at this moment to be able to have the gospel as a central part of my life. What am I willing to do to show the Lord my love and devotion to Him and His work? Would I give up everything I have? Would I be willing to possibly have to sacrifice the lives of my family in order to attain the goal? Is my testimony built on a solid foundation, one that will not falter under constant criticism and taunting. Would I hold true "if the very jaws of hell [should] gape open the mouth wide after [me]?" How much faith would it take to put my life completely in the hands of the Lord? It is a truly remarkable task to even fathom the amount of faith those early pioneers had in the Lord and in their beloved prophet.
Today in Sacrament Meeting as I listened to a special number, "Those Who Came Before," I had a sort of epiphany. Though it may seem of small consequence to some, the understanding brought me much needed peace and a brighter understanding of my mission here in this life. I am going to be one of "those who came before" someday and I will be leaving a legacy. What am I going to leave behind for my posterity and those that I love? Will I be an example of faith? Will I be looked to as an example of "standing as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9)? So, my epiphany was that I am here on a mission. I am meant to be an example and a light to my posterity and to strive to accomplish all those things that the Lord would have me do. I want my children to have someone to look to. I want them to understand the incredible importance of gaining a testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ and His servants, the prophets. I am making a commitment at this moment that I will hearken to the counsel that I have been given through our prophets and other church leaders. The stirring that I have felt today could be completely described by the scripture in 2 Nephi 25:26:
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy
of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know
to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
We are a part of an amazing work and legacy of faith. What are we striving to accomplish and conquer in our lives to show our gratitude and love for the Lord and this glorious gospel? Is it worth anything? Or is it worth everything?
Bare Testimony
That's it! There it is. Take it or leave it, but I felt really good about it. It really pulled together for me and I actually enjoyed doing it!